Alex / Teague / Grafton - Oak / Kaitlyn / Ben / Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Easter Surprise

We had tears this Easter morning. The kids were so excited to wake up and see what the Easter bunny had left for them. After the initial excitement had worn off, Kaitlyn asked why there wasn’t a chocolate bunny. Then all the other kids began asking the same question and a few tears appeared. Our Easter bunny always leaves chocolate bunnies and the kids have been talking about them all week. At this point I was really confused because I was pretty sure the Easter bunny had not only left each child a large chocolate bunny but also a miniature one.

I suddenly had a sinking feeling and told the kids to go check Pepper’s kennel. Sure enough, there was foil in her kennel and one partially eaten bunny. We have no idea how much chocolate Pepper ate last night, but she had a feast. (At one point I had a half thought about putting her up and then never thought of it again.) I promised the kids I would go out and buy them chocolate bunnies to replace the ones Pepper had eaten as soon as I got dressed (at 7 am on Easter morning).

To make this entire thing more humorous, as the Easter baskets were being filled last night, I realized I had bought the miniature chocolate bunnies and never gone back to get the large size. I knew the kids were going to be so disappointed. Wade found a 24-hour CVS that had the correct bunnies in stock and went out to buy four.

Then we all go dressed for church and hurried out the door. I mandated a picture after church.

Then some people changed, I cooked a little, and then we let the kids hunt the Easter eggs that had been outside waiting all night.

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