Alex / Teague / Grafton - Oak / Kaitlyn / Ben / Toadfrogs

Let The Fun Begin

A while ago, my girlfriends in Milwaukee and I tried to plan a girls’ weekend. But we were slackers and couldn’t make decisions. Then one of the girls suggested that they bring their oldest boys and come to Boston for the weekend. Tickets were immediately bought and they arrived this morning! Alex and I picked them up from the airport this morning and then we did a bit of exploring. We settled on Harvard for a quick stop to walk around, a gift shop stop, and lunch. Then we headed to Grafton. The girls and I sat and talked. The big boys headed upstairs to play games. A few hours later the middle kids got home from school and Ben woke up from his nap. Then Teague was convinced to make cookies, my friends helped me make cheese dip, we played a few games, and then there was more talking, and a late night for the big boys.

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