Grafton - Oak / Kaitlyn / Toadfrogs

Shopping Mishap

I mentioned taking Kaitlyn and Alex shopping the other day. Kaitlyn was really excited to wear some of her new t-shirts and asked to do so also immediately when we came home. When she came downstairs in one of her new shirts, I had a sinking feeling. I hesitantly said, “Kaitlyn, that shirt looks too small.” She gets a relieved look on her face and says “I think so too. I had a lot of trouble getting it over my head.” I had her try one on in the store and it had looked fine so I was a little confused. I checked the tag and sure enough, it was size 2-3 instead of a 6-7. (Granted we had bought multiple colors/patterns, but I definitely messed up.) I have no idea how she got it on or how it doesn’t look even more tiny on her. The crazy part is she actually wanted to wear it for the rest of the day…

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