Teague / Ben / Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Happy 4th

We started the day with a family breakfast at IHOP. It always amuses me to take the kids out to a restaurant – especially one we don’t eat at on a regular basis. Normally I would have had the two littles share but they were adamant about having their own meal and we let them. (They each ate half of what was on their plate.) Teague decided he needed a meal not on the kid’s menu and he is right on the line of being able to order from it. I was adamant that he order from the kid’s menu, especially if he wanted the 4 extra pieces of sausage. I got overruled and he ordered a large breakfast plus 4 sausages. (He downed the sausages and ate 2 bites of the meal.) Alex ate all of his meal and the rest of Teague’s.

When we got back to the house, the weather was looking like a storm, but we decided to walk up to the Common for the Parade. Kaitlyn decided not to join us because she still hates to be outside in the rain. Alex wanted to stay home. That left Teague and Ben to join the adults at the parade. We have never been to the parade before and it was the cutest small town affair. Ben loved the vehicles and the candy everyone threw. Teague was a little disappointed that most of it was not braces-friendly.

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