Alex / Ben / Holly / Toadfrogs

Hiking And A Luau

Ben and I had a list of things to do today and we decided to make hiking the last thing on our list. Ben was asking for the Duck Trail again, but I convinced him we should return to Mill Pond. We decided we would hike in 30 minutes before turning around to hike out. We had a great time and met a cute couple with the sweetest dog.

As part of their graduation from Middle School, the school put on a Luau tonight. Alex decided to go instead of joining the family at the Woo Sox Game. He also demanded a Hawaiian shirt. The choices were extremely limited when it came to Amazon and the necessary delivery window, but he liked the one we found. He tried it on and I think would happily wear it daily. Because we were going to be gone, I arranged a ride with one of Alex’s friends. She also agreed to send me pictures. My favorite was the first one, which showed that Alex and Justin had the same shirt!

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