Alex / Kaitlyn / Ben / Holly / Toadfrogs

Whirlwind Of A Day

This was one of our crazier days. Today was Kaitlyn’s field day. I got everyone ready, like normal, but Wade took Ben to school and I went to the elementary school. For the morning shift I was in charge of the game Seashore Speedway. After all of 2nd grade rotated through the various stations, all parents were invited for a picnic lunch with their children.

I had a few minutes at home between the picnic and working out. After my workout, I had to rush to pick Ben up at school. He was quite adamant that we not leave till Lucy’s mom arrived. We waited and Lucy’s mom arrived at about the same time as Penelope’s mom. The three little ones raced to my car for another car playdate – their current favorite activity. They play in my car while the Moms stand and talk for a while. It’s a win for everyone.

This evening Teague had tutoring at 5pm. Ben also has Little League starting at 5 pm. Thankfully the two are only about 4 minutes apart so I dropped Teague off and then we headed to Little League. Wade picked up Teague for me. Tball normally ends around 6:15 and when I get home I start dinner.

Today Alex had a choir concert at 7 pm, but had to be at the school at 6 (the same time Teague had to be picked up). As I was rushing out the door earlier, I reminded him he needed to get his clothes ready. He was ironing as we were leaving and calling Wade to find the shoes he always borrows. Wade was given instructions to drop Alex a little early before picking Teague up from tutoring.

I got home, changed, and got leftovers ready for the kids. Then Wade and I were out the door for Alex’s concert. His group was up first and did a great job. (Alex has been telling us they only knew one of the four songs they were supposed to perform.)

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