Alex / Teague / Kaitlyn / Ben / Holly / Toadfrogs / Paducah

Cousin Photoshoot

Melissa and I arranged to have a cousin photoshoot. We booked the photographer. We coordinated the clothes. We did not count on the heat. It was insanely hot – even in the later evening. Most of the kiddos were able to tolerate it. Kaitlyn, however, was a mess. She absolutely could not handle the heat and got quite obstinate. At one point I took her back to the studio to let her cool off while everyone else had their individual pictures taken. The photographer was amazing and eventually got some smiles out of her, but a picture of all four was a no go. Thankfully Wade was able to work some photoshop magic when we got the pictures back. He produced a single image of my four and it made me so happy.

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