Teague / Toadfrogs

A New Do

My boys get their hair cut at Matt’s at the Buzzer Barbershop. I’ll admit I have never found anyone that particularly cuts kid hair better than anyone else so I tend to go for cheap and not-to-bad. Matt hits the cheap mark at $8. The hair cut is decent and there are several guys that cut hair in the shop. I definitely think some of them cut hair better than others, but all of my kids have hair that grows quickly and nobody does a horrible job. Matt’s also gets people in and out fast. There is always a wait but they move people along at lightning speed. Put all this together and now we go to Matt’s. We have been going long enough that my boys have noticed that Matt (and only Matt) sometimes puts cool designs in the backs of people’s hair. They have been begging to get designs and at some point I agreed that their one and only shot was for their first haircut of summer.

We came today to get haircuts. (We had to wait a little while and Matt paid the boys to sweep his floor with candy out of his vending machine.) The boys had been discussing what designs they wanted for weeks. In the end, Alex decided not to get one. Teague requested a car. For an extra $5 on his haircut charge, he was so happy. I was rather impressed with Matt’s skills.

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