Alex / Teague / Kaitlyn / Ben / Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Tree Hunting

When we lived in Milwaukee, we had our Christmas Tree cutting tradition set. We knew the exact weekend and the exact place. We even knew the best places to look at our favorite place. All of our moves have made finding a new favorite Christmas Tree farm a little difficult. Some of our locals haven’t been conducive to growing the types of trees we like, some tree farms haven’t opened as early in the season as we prefer, and some just aren’t as nice. This year was our first year to try cutting down our own tree in Massachusetts. (Last year we did not attempt it with a two week old baby.) We tried to do our research but the farm was a bust. The fall and early winter has been warm with tons of rain. There was mud everywhere (not the farm’s fault) but there were no trees above 4 feet. We walked the entire property with Ben on my back and Wade carrying Kaitlyn for a good majority of the time. In the end, we grabbed one of the trees that had been precut and called it a day. Here’s hoping next year is better…

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