Alex / Teague / Kaitlyn / Ben / Holly / Toadfrogs


Today we loaded up two cars and headed to Nashville. To make this road trip truly “epic” I have been trying to see and visit as many people and places as possible. Thankfully the stars aligned and we were able to see two of our Nashville friends today when we made our trip to the Zoo. We timed it so that we would arrive in Nashville just in time for an early lunch with Laura and then we drove straight to the Zoo.

Then Melissa left us and headed for her hotel. (She is flying out tomorrow for a work-related trip.) Mom and I were supposed to head back to Paducah, but I managed to work out a quick stop with my old college roommate, Mindy, at a park on our way home. It has been years and years since we saw each other! The kids were tired but didn’t seem to mind too much. It was starting to get dark so my only pictures are a little blurry but I’m posting them anyway – this might not happen for another 10 years!

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