Grafton - North / Alex / Teague / Kaitlyn / Ben / Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Alex Turns 9!

It feels like Alex should be a lot younger her than 9. I’m sure he was just 3 years old a short while ago. Regardless, he was so excited for his birthday and we celebrated all day long. (The perks of having a birthday on the weekend!) His biggest want was a Ninjago Lego set – which he got. His favorite gift was a set of laser tag guns. His requested cake was “The World’s Best Chocolate Cake,” which is actually a recipe you can find online. (Actually there are a ton of them.)

One of my favorite birthday moments occurred after all the gifts were opened. I was cleaning up paper and stacking boxes. I looked over to see that the new toys were all laying on the ground and all three of my older kids were together and enthralled in Alex’s new book. My kids are definite book worms – all of them.

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