Grafton - North / Alex / Teague / Kaitlyn / Ben / Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Going Home

Finally, Ben and I can go home today! Granny and Pop had bought donuts for the kids yesterday and bought me some donut holes (my favorite) which were delivered last night. When I opened them this morning, I saw that sneaky Pop had included a $20 for Ben and me.

I was told Ben and I both needed to be checked/released by our doctors and then we would be good to go. That happened and then I was told Ben needed to try his hearing test one more time. When they took him back for the hearing test, I called Wade and he brought all the kids to pick us up. The nurse returned Ben to the room and told us there was one more test, but it had to be approved by a doctor (who had left the hospital hours ago) and then performed. I told Wade to go on home. It was lunch time and Kaitlyn needed a nap. The chances of us going anytime soon were slim.

A few hours later, we were really released. Our neighbor walked over to stay with the kids and a napping Kaitlyn. Wade arrived and we pretty much rushed out the door. I asked the nurse to take a quick picture of us, but that didn’t go exactly as I had hoped…

Now we are home! I am so glad to be here and the big kids are all loving on the baby.

Due to the crazy day, I didn’t get a picture of Ben in his “going home” clothes. So I took one a few days later.

1 Comment

  1. Lolololololol about the picture the nurse took!

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