Alex / Collierville / Teague / Kaitlyn / Toadfrogs / Paducah

SEC Bound

Wade and I have attended the SEC tournament for…forever? I can’t even remember how many years we have been attending (with the exception of the year Alex was born). This year we were having some logistical issues attending when it came to childcare. Then my wonderful sister called and offered to watch all three of my children so that we could attend. We gave her an entire 24 hours to rethink her offer before we accepted. After much discussion with many people, we came up with a plan. My sister would stay at my Mom’s house with all the kids. Alex would actually get a special weekend alone with Granny and Pop in Memphis. Mom and Dad would go to Nashville for the tournament. Win for everybody!! Melissa and Judy were great about taking pictures of the kids for me and obviously the kids had a great time without us.

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