
Kaitlyn’s Day

Kaitlyn wakes up about 6. I get her up and we go to the playroom for an hour before the boys get up. She has her first cup of milk and then plays or snuggles – depending on the day.

Then we all get ready and put Alex on the bus and say goodbye to Teague (our neighbor takes him to preschool where her daughter goes to kindergarten). Kaitlyn and I walk back to the house and she takes her morning nap – usually about an hour. Sometimes we play a little more, but often we run an errand or two and then pick Teague up from school. Then it’s lunch time!
Kaitlyn always takes a nap after lunch and Teague almost always does. (And a lot of days I do too!) They tend to wake up around 2 (and Teague often sleeps till almost 3). We play around the house until it’s time to meet Alex’s bus at 4. Then we have the craziness of homework and cooking dinner. Kaitlyn sometimes joins us for our dinner and sometimes she doesn’t quite make it that long. She is often in bed by 6 pm.

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