

Every year I feel like Valentine’s Day sneaks up on me. The boys’ birthdays are 10 days apart with Valentine’s Day in between. If we didn’t have school parties then it would probably be a forgotten holiday in this house. I started out buying the Valentine kits at Target but then Pinterest has the cutest ideas. The problem being I don’t remember to plan ahead. I thought I was doing really well this year. I saw an idea early on and order the necessary bouncy balls – enough for both boys (around 40). When they arrived I realized they were about 5 times larger than a normal bouncy ball. It never occurred to me there was a size that was too big! I did find a few smaller ones that would work for Alex’s Valentines and then decided to make the larger ones work for Teague’s class. In the end, both iterations worked out fine and next year I just might return to buying pre-made Valentines! Wade and I spent quite a bit of time after the boys were in bed making Valentines.

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