
“Me Swim”

Teague has wanted to take swim lessons for months – ever since Alex’s last session where he would just get to watch. I told him when he turned 3 then he could start. We went ahead and signed up for the session starting in January. Teague is comfortable around water and spent most of the summer at the pool, but that was wading depth. I decided for his first session in a deep pool we would do the parent/child class. I am so glad we did! He was so excited to go, but definitely a little apprehensive about having to let me support him. He got overwhelmed a few times and would grab me tight, but he always wanted to try again. He very quickly became comfortable with the kicking, scooping, and kickbaord. He was a natural at the back float – which Alex is only now comfortable doing. (Most kids don’t like it and especially don’t like that they have to trust the adult to hold them.) After the class was over Teague looked at me and said, “Me swim!”
Alex was excited to be back to swimming and had no trouble. He is in a really large group and I’m not sure they will ever venture to the “big” pool, which is just fine with him. He does great in the little pool, but the big one is even deeper and COLD.

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