
One Step Closer

mriAfter our trip to Boston last April, Wade and I knew we wanted Teague’s surgery done by Dr. Hunter, the ophthalmologist-in-chief. It was suggested that we wait for the results of the genetic testing done by the research department before scheduling surgery. Around June (I think) we finally got word that the results were in and called to set up surgery. Dr. Hunter had one surgery appointment left this year and it was November 21. We immediately booked it and then set to work booking an MRI locally. Dr. Hunter had let us know this would be needed and would assist him in prepping for surgery.
Today was Teague’s MRI. He did fine and I’m hoping the images provide the necessary information. He woke up from the anesthesia much better than he did after his last surgery. He managed to drink three containers of juice and have two packages of animal crackers before we left!

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