
And So It Begins

Today was the start of our new routine. Alex has school five days a week in the mornings only. Teague has school two days a week for five hours. I think I am going to spend most of my time in the car.
Wade stayed home this morning so that we could all take Alex to school for his first day. The kids play on the playground until the bell rings. Then they line up and follow the teacher inside.
Then Teague and I went back home for about 30 minutes until it was time to take him. I ran just a few errands and then walked to school to pick up Alex. We stopped for lunch at Alterra on the way home.
After nap it was time to go get Teague. Then we had a playdate planned with Abram and Grant. Teague surprised me by hopping on the tricycle (which we just pulled down from the attic) and really moving. I knew he had pedaled occasionally before, but this time he really got it!



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