
Cereal Snack Mix

mixI was introduced to this snack mix by the Kubickis – yummy! It is basically sugary cereal goodness. The only downside is it makes a HGUE amount (meaning you have to find something big enough to mix and store it in). I started mixing it in the tupperware you see below and quickly ran out of room. I ended up filling this tupperware plus two other large ones.
1 box golden grahams cereal
1 box reeses peanut butter and chocolate cereal
1 box of fruit loops cereal
1 box alpha bits
1 bag teddy grahams
1 bag goldfish crackers
1 bag animal crackers
1 bag of pretzels
1 bag of M&M’s
1 bag jelly bellys (which I left out)
1 bag chocolate chips

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