
Action Packed

We got the sad news that the Children’s Play Gallery is closing for good next Saturday. We probably only go three or four times a year, but it’s still a favorite. We decided to make a Saturday trip – something we have never done before. I’m so glad we did. Who knew we would be one of three families there? Teague had the Playmobil cars to himself and Alex bounced from activity to activity. At one point Alex did go missing (and this is not a large room). I looked and looked. I eventually found him in a reading nook (a new addition since our last visit). I should have known my boy would find the books!


After nap we headed to the pool and ran into the Massey family – thank goodness! I think it would have been a short, cold trip to the pool otherwise. Teague spent the entire time sitting in the chair eating snacks and the adults were happy to stay out of the water too. Alex and Tristan didn’t seem to notice the cool breeze (or lack of sun) and just had fun.



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