
Swimming And Crafting

Today’s big activites were Alex’s swim class and Crafternoon (hosted by Nicki). The YMCA has two options for 3 year old swim class. The child can be with the parent or without. I wasn’t sure which way would work best for Alex but all of the classes with a parent were full. I signed him up for the class without a parent and he did great. Wade and I were able to sit right inside the pool area and watch. I was amazed at the things Alex would do for the teacher that he has never done for me (floating on his back, etc.)

While Alex was napping I went to Nicki’s for Crafternoon. She had picked a craft involving a canvas, scrapbook paper, and a glue gun. I felt fairly confident I could actually do this one (with my limited artistic ability). I was even pleasantly surprised by how much I liked my finished product. Too bad I don’t have a place in my house to hang it.

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