
Definitely My Dog

Madison was a Christmas present from Wade the first year we were married. That makes her 5.5 years old. She’s definitely mellowed out and calmed down (believe it or not) in recent years. She has quickly adjusted to Alex and realized he is a great source of snacks. She comes running when she hears the high chair tray being put into place. She also beats me to his door when Alex wakes up and knows to lay on his rug until stories are finished and he is in bed.
Madison has also adjusted to my new habits. Madison knows on Mondays and Wednesdays that when I grab my car keys she gets to come with me to pick up Alex at Mother’s Day Out. She knows that on Saturdays I get to sleep in and she’s allowed in the bed when Wade leaves. She also knows as soon as I pull the blanket from the back of the couch that I’m going to take a nap and she’s allowed up on the couch. I love my dog.

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