Madison / Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs / Paducah

Christmas at Dad’s

We started the day off with a wonderful breakfast courtesy of Laura and then opened presents. We took a group picture with us all in the jackets Dad gave us:

Dad had taken Madison to the barn with him and she decided to roll in muck. That meant she had to spend all day outside, but I don’t think she minded. She quickly found the geese – she is the small dot to the right of the geese taking off.

Then we took her for a ride in the pick up truck. I was curious if she would try to jump out but she stayed safely inside.

Madison then discovered the pool – with the cover in place. She didn’t seem bothered to be walking around on the cover. Frank, the yellow lab, was smart enough to stay off the cover. Dad says the cover should hold a grown man’s weight, but I don’t think I’ll test it.

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