Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

A Day of Goodbyes in Atlanta

What a crazy day! Wade and I got up early to do some house cleaning (darn cleaning ladies cancelling at the last minute) and handing off a local eBay purchase (The lady rented a car and drove 4 hours down for a $50 shoe rack from IKEA). Then we headed for Atlanta with a stop at the outlets for a few returns (and a few purchases). Our first stop was Phipps Plaza for lunch at American Cafe with Jamie and her new boy Bryan (or maybe Brian).

Wade and I ran a few errands and even took a short nap before driving to Tina’s house for our SA Holiday dinner. I had baked the cake this morning, but decided it would be much easier to make the corn pudding after arriving at Tina’s. We arrived a little early for once and I quickly got my side in the oven. Everyone else arrived soon and we had a blast.

  1. This is incredibly freaky, but it’s Brian. It’s actually a Brian I know. I meet Jamie at a Hockey game with my work group LMents, she was sitting right next to me. Probably thought I was a nut case. Sometimes there are reminders it’s a small world after all.

  2. That’s crazy! Does this mean you work with Brian? Do you also know Justin Brown?

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