
The Trip Home is Never Easy

It’s amazing but our flight out of Exuma wasn’t till late this afternoon. We were able to enjoy the beach and pool for a few last hours before packing up and driving to the airport. Dad and Laura had rented a minivan, but putting 8 people and luggage into a minivan is a stretch. We did all fit and arrive at the airport on time. We boarded the small plane and took off for Miami. Wade got a little bored and made a “friend”

The layover in Miami was supposed to be four hours long. However, the runways were closed for a storm and we sat in baggage claim waiting for our bags for an hour. Then we walked the bags through customs and sat down to wait. Then our flight to Atlanta got delayed by an hour so we waited some more. We arrived in Atlanta at 11:30 pm. We didn’t get in to Anderson until 2:30 am. Work tomorrow is not going to be fun.

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