
I Know What I’m Getting for Christmas

I got a phone call this afternoon about 30 minutes after lunch. Wade was supposed to be at work, but he was calling to tell me he had locked his keys in his car. I laughed and asked him where I should bring the extra key. Then he got very quiet. Finally he said, “That’s the problem.” He was out buying a Christmas present for me and telling me his location gave it away. He did finally tell me and I did take him his key. Even if I already know what I am getting, I am very excited. I have wanted a new glass front door since we moved in!

  1. Poor Wade.

  2. Oh that’s funny… By the way, I saw where your pops has up a blog now too. You should get hired for that job. I think you certainly have the experience now!

  3. I love it! You two are always having something like this happen. I think it’s cute.

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