Holly / Toadfrogs

Cool Crisp Mountain Air

My friends from SA made a trip to the mountains. Maryellen used her connections to get us a great deal on a condo with an awesome view. Carol, Tina, Maryellen, and I headed up there on Friday evening. We had dinner in Gatlinburg and then stayed up late talking. Saturday was a riot. We went shopping that morning, spent the afternoon talking, had dinner outside with a bluegrass band, and then went back to the room to play cards. We eventually put the cards up when we did more talking than playing. What great conversations! We had four people with different ages, experiences, upbringings, etc. We even got a call from the front desk asking if there were any kids in our condo. Evidently there had been a noise complaint – oops!

Aren’t we cute? The bottom row is Carol, Tina, and Me. Maryellen is the scarecrow.

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