
New Job. New City.

hallmarkWade and I decided adding a baby to our family wasn’t enough chaos for the near future. He was offered a new job about three weeks ago and has officially accepted it. (They were the ones who sent the goody box to the family.) He will be working in the Design Engineering group at Hallmark (That’s right – Hallmark. But not the card part, the interactive toy, etc part) in Kansas City. He and I took a weekend trip down to visit the city (Wade had only been once for the interview and I had never been) and had a great time. We even met up with an old friend of mine from DC who is living there now. We don’t have a lot of the details worked out, but we do know Wade’s official start date is February 17th. Now the big question is whether we will be Missourians or Kansans.

  1. Wow! And YAY!!! KC is only about 10 hours away from us! Totally road trip-able!!! Congrats on the new job (and baby!!!).

  2. Awesome! Congrats! Nick and I visited KC a couple years ago and loved it!

  3. Congrats!!!!!!

  4. Congrats Holly! I saw Wade’s new job on LinkedIn and had to check in for details! It looks like I have missed a lot – congrats on #3!!!! So much amazing happening for you guys right now. What a great adventure.

  5. Yay! So sorry I missed you guys last weekend, but I’m really happy to hear you will be moving down here. Looking forward to seeing you and meeting your boys! If I can do anything to help with the move, let me know. Also, I vote Missouri!

  6. Woohoo!!!! Congrats to Wade, and I can’t wait for you to move here 🙂
    Now our friends will have even more reason to come visit on occasion!
    BTW, the people I work with live all over the place, so if you want any opinions on (specific) schools, just let me know.

  7. Wow! Your big news just doesn’t quit! Congrats!! That is an awfully quick turnaround time . . . you aren’t planning to move that quickly, I hope. Make sure you take it easy. Moving with 2 kids (and one on the way) can be very stressful.

  8. Stop it. 🙁

  9. This is exciting news for you all! You will be missed in MKE though 🙁

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