Teague / Ben / Toadfrogs

Scarecrow Contest

Ben learning to read has mostly been a joy, but it has created a few challenges. Most town events are advertised by signs on the Common. Because of the location of our house, we drive by the Common several times a day. Ben has spent the last week reading all the signs. He saw the sign for the Scarecrow Contest and has been asking to go all week. I was hesitant to promise anything due to our crazy schedule – Kaitlyn has a football game (so she and I won’t be available) and Wade has been gone a full week.

I forgot to warn Wade that Ben would ask to go. Ben evidently drew a design and then begged Wade to take him. Wade, being the creative guy that he is, helped make the design a reality. Wade, Teague, and Ben went up to the Common and created a scarecrow. “Poppy” the pop-tart was born!

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