
Shopping Adventures

Day 10 of the pandemic. Grocery shopping has become quite an adventure. It started with everyone bulk buying at the beginning of the shutdown. Now people only venture out for a planned grocery run every 1-2 weeks. Many people are doing grocery deliveries, but I prefer to still do my own shopping. It has been a nice treat to go by myself since only one family member is recommended to be in the stores at a time and definitely no children. With Wade working at home, I can really go anytime which is also a newfound freedom.

The weird parts are wearing a mask, walking one way down an aisle, maintaining social distancing, and not being able to find things on my list. I know our town isn’t unique, but I thought I’d take pictures just to document how empty some of the shelves have become. Some items have been bare since the beginning and others are hit or miss from trip to trip or even store to store.

Items that are impossible to find anywhere – toilet paper, pasta, chicken breasts, frozen vegetables, and flour.

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