
Christmas Part 2 – Dad’s House

Alex and Harper had plenty to keep them entertained at Dad’s house. We weren’t up too long before the rest of the family appeared for a family breakfast and then lots of playing!

We returned to Mom’s house for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner with her side of the family. Alex loves having older cousins and they are wonderful about entertaining him. They even found a TV show for him (Beethoven’s Christmas special). The problem arose when it was commercial time. Alex freaked out that someone had turned off the show (and wouldn’t be convinced it was coming back until Wade and I verified it). The only shows he watches at our house are on Netflix or PBS (no commercials). Poor boy. The most entertaining gift of the night was the Socker Boppers. The kids loved them and we loved watching them. I have already been informed Alex is getting his own for his birthday (and a second set for a friend to play with).

Then Wade and I loaded up the car and headed for Memphis.

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