
A New Kitten And The Pumpkin Patch

Wade has always vehemently stated his dislike of cats. Imagine my surprise when he was interested in adopting a blind kitty. My neighbor, Amber, was getting a new kitten and was trying to find homes for the remaining two, who had limited vision. They both had had eye infections and one was completely blind and the other was blind in one eye.

In the end we have a new kitten who is blind in one eye and the Strouds have two new kittens, including the blind kitten. Both Madison and Alex seem to love the new little girl. We still don’t have a name for her, but hopefully soon. The kitten is officially Wade’s so he is in charge of naming.

The big outing for the day was to the pumpkin patch. Abram and Alex got a ride in the wagon and were in charge of the pumpkins.

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