
Am I Allowed To Brag?

I figure this is my website so I can brag. I love being back in my own clothes. I came home from the hospital weighing two pounds more than the day I found out I was pregnant. Everyone teased me about my belly being all baby and they weren’t kidding. My stomach went away instantly – now it just needs some of the tone that it lost.
A funny story along the same lines. I was visiting Alex one evening in the nursery. I had the curtain closed while I pumped and then approached the nurses with a bottle to save for later. One of them told me she thought she had figured me out. I had to be an adoptive mom. Then she realized I was pumping. She finally asked to verify that I had just had the baby. I told her two days ago and she just shook her head. It sure made me feel good.

  1. You are certainly allowed to brag! I told you you’d be wearing regular clothes!!! 🙂 Good for you. Alex is just adorable. I’m really enjoying seeing all these sweet photos. And you look great! I can’t wait until you make a trip home!

  2. That’s such a great story!!! That’s awesome that you only gained 2lbs. WOW.
    I’m finally just over my cold so now I feel safe to come see you all. I was still feeling the cold up until yesterday so I was trying to stay away and its been killing me. Let me know what works best for you all and we’ll make our way over!

  3. Christin,
    We are home pretty much from here on out. My mom is leaving Friday afternoon and my dad is here on Saturday. Other than that we are just adjusting to being a family of three!

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