Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Day Three – Team Building and Shopping

My dad belongs to a group called WPO (World Presidents Organization) which provides him with a lot of business contacts, classes, and vacations around the world. Growing up most of our family vacations were with this group (or rather the younger group YPO) and they were always fantastic. This is the first time I have been on a YPO trip since high school. Most of the vacations have large numbers of families from all over the world. This vacation was limited by the number of rooms on the boat in the Galapagos Islands. With only 100 people things were planned a little differently and started with team building exercises at a local hacienda. Our family of 10 is by far the largest and is already causing a lot of laughs.

The next stop was a local market and a short speech from the mayor.

Dinner was at a waterfront restaurant with a fireworks show at the end.

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