
Housing Update

I know everyone is waiting with bated breath to hear about our new house. I haven’t updated in a while so be prepared for the saga.

As part of the initial contract, the sellers added a contingency that the contract on their new house had to be accepted. They had a verbal acceptance so we weren’t too concerned. What should have taken three days turned into seven. Then we find out that the sellers of the other house are not in touch even with their realtor. We wait a few more days and then find out the entire deal has fallen through. Now we have the choice of waiting for our sellers to find a new house or we can start the house hunting process again. Wade and I decide to keep looking but not cancel our contract just yet. A few days later we get a phone call saying our sellers have found a new house but they need to change the closing date to late May. Wade and I don’t like this idea at all. The date gets moved to the end of April and we now get the appliances with the sale of the house. All that is left now is the home inspection.

We had the home inspection today. There were no large issues, but a few small ones. We made our requests are now waiting to hear what our sellers think. Hopefully it will go without a problem. Wade and I are ready to be done with all this craziness. We both went to the home inspection and realized we have a lot of work to do – stripping, painting, remodeling bathrooms, etc. At least we are bored with apartment life and ready for a challenge!

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