Wade / Wauwatosa / Toadfrogs

Another Day of Fun

Wade and I decided to spend all of today in the snow and cold. We bundled up and took Madison for another romp in the dog park. There weren’t as many dogs today, but she still seemed to love playing in the snow. We let her tire out and then headed home for some tubing with Chad and Sarah (Wade knows them through a Tech friend). Chad and Sarah both got snow tubes for Christmas and wanted to try them out. We spent a few hours testing a hill near our apartment. A lot of the snow was now ice, but we had a great time. Wade managed to find all of the jumps and got quite a bit of air.

The rest of us just had fun trying to go the farthest at the bottom of the hill. Chad and Sarah rode tandem once and made it all the way to the road.

When we could no longer feel our fingers and toes we came back to the apartment for a quick game of Wii bowling (Sarah who doesn’t like to bowl kicked all of our butts) and then ventured out to the movies. We saw the movie “Juno” in an old time stage theater (awesome atmosphere) and then tried a new pizza place. I think the evening will be complete after one more dip in the hot tub!

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