
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – We’re moving to Milwaukee

The trip to Milwaukee was for Wade to meet with an employee of METCO and to get a job offer. After much discussion, Wade is accepting the job and we are moving to Milwaukee. His new job is in a group he is excited about, not to mention quite a raise. This is all happening rather quickly and they’ve told me I can’t take my house (so sad). Wade should start on October 29th and I should be moving up there around Christmas time. The relocation package is great, but we have to get the bathroom finished before we can put the house up for sale. We did spend some of our time in Milwaukee looking at houses and there are lots of old ones, but wow the prices are high. We are excited but a little overwhelmed with everything that has to happen now.

As for me – I know I have a job at METCO if I want one, but I’m going to wait and see. The guys at TTi are not happy about us leaving – especially me. It’s great to feel valued, but now I actually feel bad for leaving. I have had one VP offer to pay for my divorce and another offer to double my salary. My boss gave me lots of compliments and then told me he knew we had to do what was best for us. Overall everyone has handled it very well, but I will be sorry to leave. I love my job.

For some information on the city of Milwaukee click here.

  1. Congrats!!!!

  2. Thanks Paddy!

  3. Congrats to Wade (and you)! It’ll definitely be cold, but Midwest Airlines has it’s hub in Milwaukee, and they have great chocolate chip cookies… so that’s a plus. We miss you both around here, though.

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