Wade / Anderson / Toadfrogs

A Very Long Day

The Sundays our church meets are always extremely long days. We have to be at church in Greenville by 7:30 am, which means we are up at 6:30 am. Wade and I both work both services so we aren’t finished with church until 1:00 pm. Today we met Wade’s Aunt Louise and Uncle John for lunch at Stax’s Omega – they even had chocolate chip pancakes! After lunch Aunt Louise and I visited a flea market and Wade tried to fix Uncle John’s computer. At about 5:30 pm Wade admitted defeat. We got home, built a fire and started back in on the dining room. We got all of the crown molding sanded and primed. We even got a coat of primer on two of the walls. (I am only painting two until I decide if I like the color.) Tomorrow I will put the first coat of red on the walls – woo hoo.

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