Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Wedding Number One

This weekend started our summer of weddings – six weddings in six weekends. The first wedding was for my friend Edie, my roommate at Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) in high school. There are about five of us that have kept in touch over the years. I mentioned seeing Travis here.

The wedding was an evening wedding in Louisville, KY so Wade and I decided to drive up on Saturday and then leave on Sunday. Through quite a few unplanned complications – leaving an hour late, making a wrong turn, and thinking there was a time change, we didn’t quite make it in time for the actual wedding. We arrived at the church as Edie and Aaron were walking out. We did get to be the first people to greet the newly married couple! Wade and I watched everyone going through the receiving line hoping to see Allison or Andy (other GSP friends), but didn’t see either of them. Wade and I were chatting at the reception when Allison appears. Evidently she had walked right past me earlier. We got a picture with Edie:

Then Allison and her boyfriend Marcus took us out. We had a great time! I haven’t talked to Allison in ages and I liked Marcus a lot. I even had an appletini, which was yummy – shock of shocks. We got back to the hotel around 2 am and headed straight to bed. Being in the car for 7 hours is hard work! That is a lot of Veronica Mars watching.

  1. I love the pics—you and the girls look hot—and wade what a catch

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