
What Will the Future Bring?

I am having one of those days – a day when things just don’t seem quite right. There is nothing obvious that I can point my finger too. I just feel like I have a lot I have to do, a lot I want to do, and things I’m just not sure about. I know part of this stems from the upcoming patent bar exam. I am trying to make myself focus on studying so I won’t let myself do a lot of the little things that need doing. (In reality I am sure I waste the time doing something besides studying.)

As for my wants: I want to finish painting the trim in my office and the hall. I want to finish the desk for my office so I can unpack the last couple boxes. I want to take the recycling to the recycling center. I want to get back to running every day. I want to enjoy cooking dinner. I want a pedicure. I want to take walks with my neighbor. I want to read a book. I want to finish remodeling the bathroom. I want to wash my car. I want my sun chair so I can enjoy the sun. I want to go shopping at Sam’s. I want to get some of my work completed and therefore paid. I want to feel like I am working towards a future, a secure future.

My conclusion: I’ll worry about it all after I take my test.

  1. halls—if it makes you feel any better i have four exams in the two weeks plus taking over as my chapter’s Chapter Advisor position plus getting two additional advisors to help plus cleaning my house plus working another 40 hours this week plus who knows what else—i know it probably didn’t—but it made me feel better organizing and prioritizing and then procrastinating (sp?) more 🙂

  2. It sounds like you know exactly how I feel!

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