
Working from Home

I don’t think I ever officially updated on my work situation. A few days before giving my notice at Scientific-Atlanta, I thought about how perfect my job is to be done from home. All I need is a computer and I am good to go. I proposed the idea of telecommuting to my boss. He checked with his boss and this was their proposal: be an independent contractor for 6 months and then be rehired and telecommute.

This wasn’t exactly what I wanted. There are no benefits, I get paid by invoicing which means a 60 day delay, I have to drive in one day a week on my dime, and my taxes are higher. But if it is exactly what I want at the end of 6 months, then I’ll go with it for now.

I have only been working from home for two days, but I can already see the good and bad. It’s great that I am home to let people in and take care of little things, but there are lots of distractions at home too. We’ll see how good my self-discipline is.

  1. distractions? is that what you call watching a whole season of buffy in one day?

  2. Hmm yes – that is one. I finished the last episode today. Now my free time will be spent unpacking and studying for my big test.

  3. I had so very little to do today that I was sitting here staring at the computer wondering what websites I could read and I thought of this one after I got bored of CNN. Man how my job has changed over the last two months. So you should email me more.

  4. I rank after CNN? How sad 🙁
    Email you more – no problem. Ask Steven, I am good at email!

  5. Well I did not mean you ranked after CNN. Just that I was not in the habit of checking out this website. The “news” on here is much more entertaining…and personal.

  6. You have redeemed yourself. Actually, I’m just happy regardless of when you check it. I love comments!

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