
Speaking Danish in Danland

My friend Josh invited us to a movie on Friday night. I looked at the link to the movie and read the summary. It looked pretty good so I said I’d go. I vaguely knew the movie was playing at the High Museum but didn’t think much about it. I invited a couple of other friends and we all met up on Friday night. And by that I mean Wade and I got there minutes before it started.

It turns out that the movie was part of the Danish Film Festival. The movie was called Stealing Rembrandt. After the head lady introduced the movie and one of the actors from Denmark (how cool, he flew over just for this festival), Wade leaned over to Jamie and asked if the movie was going to be in English. The first opening lines were and then it was subtitles.

We all really enjoyed the movie – subtitles or not. Wade was excited about ice cream afterwards, but my sister and Chris were coming into town and we wanted to be home when they got there.

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