
Yakety Yak

I spent about 5-6 hours on the phone last night. I tend to be pretty bad about catching up with people using the phone. Thank goodness for email! I normally wait so long to talk to people that I feel like I should really have time when I do call – as in at least an hour. But finding an hour or more to dedicated to a phone call never seems to happen.

I hope we end up living somewhere that has call based calling rates. When I lived in DC, I could pay $10 for a home phone line that gave me unlimited incoming calls and 30 outgoing calls. In Atlanta, the minimum phone bill is around $40. Because of that, Wade and I both just use cell phones. But talking on a cell phone for hours gets uncomfortable.

As luck would have it, I got stuck in some nasty traffic yesterday. I was bored and had plenty of time, so I called everyone I knew. I called Melissa, Rob, Mindy, Matt, Kate, Wade, and Mom. Only Mom answered and she was sick in bed. Before I got home I had connected with Mindy – this was the end of a 2 month game of phone tag. We talked for a couple hours and as we were hanging up, Kate called. I then talked to Kate while she made her hour drive home from class. Then I talked to Wade – he probably got short changed. I was pretty sick of the phone by then.

Ah well, now I feel mostly caught up with my long distance friends!

  1. Man, do I feel short-changed!

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