
Hold On Just A Minute

After a long, hard day of sitting by the pool for me and thesis writing for Wade, we decided dinner was going to be Papa John’s. Since we have lived in this house, we have ordered a few times from the same particular Papa John’s. We have never had a “real” phone line so I was rather confused when the boy answering the phone seemed at a loss on how to handle no home phone. Our entire conversation was ridiculous. This boy is a perfect example for the stereotypical young, low wage worker. Instead of “um”, “ah”, or any other verbal place holder, he used “hold on just a minute”. He did not mean, I am putting you on hold or this will take a second. Normally as soon as he got the words out of his mouth he was asking another question or talking again. Very odd.

Then my favorite part of the conversation. I wanted to know the price difference between a medium and large pizza. His response was, “The price varies.” We have a real genius here. I asked again what the actual prices were and he came up with the price for the large. He told me he guessed the medium would be less. Then the boy remembered they were having a promotion. I asked if the promotion price made the large as cheap as the medium and he told me “I guess.” This whole thing is filled with lots of “hold on a minute”.

I finally got my pizza ordered and it was delicious once delivered, but wow – what a trying phone conversation!

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