Wade / Holly / Toadfrogs

Cookie Monster

The next activity Wade and I chose was to make sugar cookies. This required a trip to the grocery for icing and sprinkles and a trip out for cookie cutters. Cookie cutters are surprisingly hard to find – we ended up with a bone, frog, heart, fish, and flower. Jamie was looking for something to do so she joined us for dinner and decorating.

Sugar cookie dough is a little different from normal cookie dough, but tastes just as yummy! You have to get the dough very cold and work with it before it softens. We had it in the fridge for 2 hours, but to get it cold enough, we had to put it in the freezer for another hour. The best idea would have been to make it the night before, but that would have required too much forethought (We went to see Grease at the Screen on the Green in Piedmont Park the night before and got in late). Then you use lots of flour and roll out the cookies for the cookie cutters.

The last time I decorated sugar cookies, it was at Wade’s parents’ house. His mom made her own icing, which I thought was awesome. We decided to make some of our own and in retrospect, that’s what I’ll always do. I’m not a big icing fan and the store bought stuff is too thick and rich.

After all the decorating was finished, Wade’s cookies looked the best – we’ll say it is because he is a design major. We took the cookies to Huntsville and I told everyone my little cousins decorated them. I will admit they tasted great though!

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